Friday, September 16, 2016

Day of Departure

Here is a run down on that crazy day. If you are curious about Zach's point of view from that day, jump over to his blog Mentat Wanderings

But this post is from my view.

For the past few days I had been feeling lightheaded and sick, and no matter of rest and food or water seemed to make much difference. Was I stressed about the trip? Yes! I prayed that it would go away.
So, the day of, we planned to eat breakfast out, get to his mom's place by 11 to leave by 1 so we could get through security check by 2, so we could fly by 4.
That's what we planned anyway.
I woke up dizzy and sick, and thought something must be WRONG. We ended up at an Ergent Care Clinic, and was rushed in and out, with what felt like a pat on the head. Nothing could be found wrong with me, though I still felt dizzy. So fine, I figured I'd see a doctor in Iceland if it came to that. FINE.

By the time we reached Zach's mom's place, it was 12:30. We rushed into the car and zoomed to the airport. Thank you thank you Susan for driving us! Tight hugs and fond farewells, and we were off to find a plane.

And we got lost.

Thankfully the security checkpoint went fast and easy. Well, for the security people. I'm always a hot mess going through there. Dropping things, struggling with shoes, losing my passport and other papers behind for a moment.

But we got through! Took a train to a separate building for international flights, and had a brief moment to sip water and eat food before we packed it all up and got on board.

It is tight on this flight, and the quiet blonde woman next to me has the window seat. She isn't saying anything, but she must hate me because I keep bumping her headphone port and dropping my water bottle onto her side and smacking her, gently mind you, with my coat.

Oh boy, here we go. 8 hours til Iceland!

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